What Causes Pavers to Sink?

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3 min readFeb 21, 2020

If you have paved pathways, patios, or a driveway, you must have noticed some sections with depressions over time. This is not always the case if yours are relatively newly installed. When this happens, there’s no need to panic. There are different reasons as to why pavers can sink. So, what causes pavers to sink?

What Causes Pavers to Sink

What Causes Pavers to Sink? — The Main Reasons

This article will answer your question, “What causes pavers to sink?” and will show you what steps to take to prevent this in the future.

Exposure to Excess Water

If there is a water pool near your paved sections, it is only a matter of time before problems begin to show up. The water will seep under the pavers and make the ground below loose and soft. Every time a heavy thing passes on that area, the pavers will sink. If this continues without any repairs, the sinking will spread over a large area.

The best line of action is to start by draining the water around. You can later fix the sinking ground once the source of the problem is neutralized.

Unstable Ground

It is possible for the ground beneath the pavers to become shaky. It could be you did not compact the sand or the fitting materials well and they are now giving way. In other cases, it may be the effect of excessive moisture. In both cases, the ground will be shaky and the result in sinking pavers.

It is not a hard task to fix this problem. Remove the pavers at the sinking section. Start by working on the area beneath and make it firm. Level it and make sure it will hold weight. You can now go ahead and reinstall the pavers. Make sure that you’re using the right amount of sand for your pavers to ensure they don’t move around or sink again. You can also look into different types of gravel you can use for a paver base. Closely observe the area to see if the problem resurfaces.

Amateurish Installation

Installing pavers is not the hardest thing to do. If you are a seasoned handyman, you can do it by yourself. But do not attempt anything if you are not sure of your skills. The best option is to get professional contractors. But this is where you have to be very careful. Some contractors are not what they say there are. They are more interested in your check than delivering quality jobs. Make sure you get the contractor before you sign any papers. Insist on seeing all the certification and proof of experience. Anything short of transparency should be treated as a red flag. Remember, you should get the value of your money and that will happen when you get the right contractor.

Bottom Line

If you have been wondering about what causes pavers to sink, now you have your answers. Water is the number one enemy and you should drain it as soon as you notice it. You should also get the right contractor to do perfect installation.

