How to Raise Money for a School Trip

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3 min readSep 24, 2019


One of the key challenges that is faced by many parents is to find the funds for their kid’s school trip. If you are wondering about how to raise money for a school trip, then you are at the right place. Students must go for trips to know the realities of traveling, working as a team, cooperating with each other and learn some important lessons. Traveling can really help to develop a child in a better way.

how to raise money for a school trip

How to Raise Money for a School Trip

If you are looking for some of the best ways to raise funds for your school trip, then we are here with some of the amazing ideas. Our ideas are a mixture of some old traditional fundraising ideas that are highly effectively and some new proven ideas.

#1: Crowdfunding

This is one of the old-school fundraising ideas that are quite effective and exciting way to raise money for your kid’s school trip. You can make this fundraising online too. You can request potential donors for some donations. It is also a good idea to post about the same on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the maximum attention. You will also likely to get more and more potential donors who will be interested to donate something to you.

#2: Events

It is very important to create one of the events that will invite the community to join your efforts. You can find a local business in the community who will be willing to donate a huge amount for a greater impact. The event can be anything as simple as a coffee house or a silent auction or even a fun picnic. Inviting the community and business participation will raise the group’s or school’s profile.

#3: Scratch Cards

Another great idea to raise funds is by scratch cards. For 10 cents each cards, the students can offer these cards to their family and friends. Each box on the cards will represent a particular amount of donation which can range between 10 cents and $3 each card. You can collect the money from the friends and family based on the boxes that they scratch off.

#4: Book Sale

A few weeks before the sale of the books, ask each and every student and teacher to bring the gently used books. You can send invitations to the people and different members of the community to buy these books as a part of your creative fundraising idea. This can help you to raise a lot of money.

Wrapping it Up

So, these are some of the simple yet effective ways on how to raise money for a school trip. School trip is important for the kids as they can learn a lot of new and innovative things from the trips. You need to make sure that you are making the opportunity for such a trip. Hence, it is important to make sure that you are using these above mentioned ways to raise funds for the school trip. You can also try different other methods for raising funds efficiently for the school trip to enjoy all of the benefits of fundraising. You need to know and understand that these methods can help you to raise the funds.

